Friday, December 5, 2008

Lesson #8

As far as the OCLS Strategic Plan it really seems to be right on the money. The vehicles of communication are terrific, they're interesting to where they really pique your imagination and are inviting enough to make you want to join in. Again, there is something for everyone to share in, your age, no matter what isn't a berrier to any of the options that are provided, sometimes maybe being on-line with some of these avenues gives us more confidence to try something new. Many new ways to join in & participate in different methods of communication. One of my personal favorites is Orlando Memory.
OCLS seems to be on track in communication arena and always moving forward to try to give us as patrons & staff new an innovative way to reach out and experience a new or better way of getting in touch & improving the road to get there.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hey Bloging Along! Thanks for the post!
